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Modern League 2024-11-19
on 2024-11-19
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
5 - 0 | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | FABRIZIOAK | 260 tix $ 880 - |
5 - 0 | Belcher Belcher Belcher | Madiba | 180 tix $ 445 - |
5 - 0 | Jund Jund Jund | Mogg_Flunkies | 250 tix $ 847 - |
5 - 0 | Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo | Dursty | 173 tix $ 701 - |
Modern League 2024-11-18
on 2024-11-18
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
5 - 0 | The Rock The Rock The Rock | Bayesta_93 | 360 tix $ 1,121 - |
5 - 0 | Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo | LFC | 245 tix $ 716 - |
5 - 0 | Eldrazi Ramp Eldrazi Ramp Eldrazi Ramp | ODlS | 247 tix $ 891 - |
5 - 0 | 4c Omnath 4c Omnath 4c Omnath | SomeborY | 281 tix $ 745 - |
5 - 0 | Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo | Depian | 171 tix $ 651 - |
5 - 0 | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | zhangkh | 259 tix $ 845 - |
5 - 0 | Eldrazi Tron Eldrazi Tron Eldrazi Tron | Amplumnox | 213 tix $ 617 - |
5 - 0 | Ruby Storm Ruby Storm Ruby Storm | haubidtran | 102 tix $ 444 - |
Modern League 2024-11-17
on 2024-11-17
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
5 - 0 | Belcher Belcher Belcher | balltap | 163 tix $ 428 - |
5 - 0 | Mardu Energy Mardu Energy Mardu Energy | iShambler | 321 tix $ 1,001 - |
5 - 0 | Goryo's Vengeance Goryo's Vengeance Goryo's Vengeance | Angles | 237 tix $ 725 - |
5 - 0 | Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide | TYonemura | 400 tix $ 714 - |
5 - 0 | Mardu Energy Mardu Energy Mardu Energy | N3AL | 222 tix $ 835 - |
5 - 0 | Belcher Belcher Belcher | Sixth | 179 tix $ 445 - |
5 - 0 | Esper Stoneblade Esper Stoneblade Esper Stoneblade | NRaupp | 295 tix $ 914 - |
5 - 0 | Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide | SchwiftySchleeps | 439 tix $ 802 - |
Modern Challenge 64 2024-11-17
on 2024-11-17
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
1st | Dimir Mill Dimir Mill Dimir Mill | tibalt_of_red_sub | 72 tix $ 342 - |
2nd | UBG UBG UBG | ScreenwriterNY | 239 tix $ 699 - |
3rd | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | _Batutinha_ | 257 tix $ 871 - |
4th | Mardu Energy Mardu Energy Mardu Energy | NJ5030 | 243 tix $ 861 - |
5th | Through the Breach Through the Breach Through the Breach | Lightspirit | 274 tix $ 839 - |
6th | Ruby Storm Ruby Storm Ruby Storm | BERNASTORRES | 102 tix $ 446 - |
7th | The Rock The Rock The Rock | XantosCell | 360 tix $ 1,118 - |
8th | Ruby Storm Ruby Storm Ruby Storm | azax | 104 tix $ 506 - |
Modern Challenge 32 2024-11-17
on 2024-11-17
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
1st | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | RubyXillia | 277 tix $ 932 - |
2nd | Goryo's Vengeance Goryo's Vengeance Goryo's Vengeance | Gartxot | 198 tix $ 712 - |
3rd | Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide | Kihara_Works | 376 tix $ 657 - |
4th | Mardu Energy Mardu Energy Mardu Energy | barczek | 290 tix $ 1,000 - |
5th | Simic Hardened Scales Simic Hardened Scales Simic Hardened Scales | LordEgg | 163 tix $ 740 - |
6th | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | sokos13 | 266 tix $ 909 - |
7th | Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo | manohito | 240 tix $ 703 - |
8th | Tron Tron Tron | narca | 208 tix $ 841 - |
Super Sunday RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Columbus - Sunday - 9:00 am
on 2024-11-17
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
5 - 0 | Amulet Titan Amulet Titan Amulet Titan | Ryan Hayes | 247 tix $ 846 - |
5 - 1 | Amulet Titan Amulet Titan Amulet Titan | Ryan Bellamy | 235 tix $ 809 - |
5 - 1 | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | Alexander Gabriel | 256 tix $ 845 - |
4 - 0 | Gruul Breach Gruul Breach Gruul Breach | Austin Anderson | 243 tix $ 894 - |
4 - 0 | Domain Zoo Domain Zoo Domain Zoo | Ty Ward | 248 tix $ 689 - |
4 - 1 | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | Nick Sherwood | 303 tix $ 929 - |
4 - 1 | Gruul Eldrazi Gruul Eldrazi Gruul Eldrazi | Weikart | 249 tix $ 903 - |
4 - 1 | 10-Rack 10-Rack 10-Rack | Adam Bruce | 169 tix $ 398 - |
Modern Challenge 32 2024-11-17 (1)
on 2024-11-17
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
1st | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | RubyXillia | 278 tix $ 932 - |
2nd | Goryo's Vengeance Goryo's Vengeance Goryo's Vengeance | Gartxot | 200 tix $ 712 - |
3rd | Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide | Kihara_Works | 377 tix $ 657 - |
4th | Mardu Energy Mardu Energy Mardu Energy | barczek | 293 tix $ 1,000 - |
5th | Simic Hardened Scales Simic Hardened Scales Simic Hardened Scales | LordEgg | 169 tix $ 739 - |
6th | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | sokos13 | 267 tix $ 909 - |
7th | Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo | manohito | 244 tix $ 703 - |
8th | Tron Tron Tron | narca | 214 tix $ 841 - |
Modern League 2024-11-16
on 2024-11-16
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
5 - 0 | Tron Tron Tron | sleightofhand94 | 270 tix $ 830 - |
5 - 0 | Simic Hardened Scales Simic Hardened Scales Simic Hardened Scales | TheM_A_D | 160 tix $ 746 - |
5 - 0 | Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo Mono-Green Basking Broodscale Combo | manohito | 244 tix $ 716 - |
5 - 0 | Mardu Energy Mardu Energy Mardu Energy | Esr1028 | 304 tix $ 961 - |
5 - 0 | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | Txuris | 289 tix $ 867 - |
5 - 0 | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | johnmtg | 305 tix $ 937 - |
5 - 0 | Bant Midrange Bant Midrange Bant Midrange | Casket2 | 143 tix $ 452 - |
5 - 0 | Eldrazi Ramp Eldrazi Ramp Eldrazi Ramp | shigure1020 | 250 tix $ 774 - |
Modern Challenge 32 2024-11-16
on 2024-11-16
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
1st | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | RubyXillia | 294 tix $ 956 - |
2nd | Amulet Titan Amulet Titan Amulet Titan | kanister | 231 tix $ 861 - |
3rd | Mardu Energy Mardu Energy Mardu Energy | MentalMisstep | 274 tix $ 921 - |
4th | Golgari Zombies Golgari Zombies Golgari Zombies | Sam_Lewin | 110 tix $ 483 - |
5th | Ruby Storm Ruby Storm Ruby Storm | BERNASTORRES | 102 tix $ 446 - |
6th | Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide Dimir Murktide | medvedev | 380 tix $ 676 - |
7th | Izzet Murktide Izzet Murktide Izzet Murktide | bananakin | 164 tix $ 459 - |
8th | Boros Energy Boros Energy Boros Energy | mtgua | 261 tix $ 900 - |
Autumn Modern Championship 2024
on 2024-11-16
Pl | Deck | Player | Price |
4 - 0 | Bant Midrange Bant Midrange Bant Midrange | vial_t1 | 67 tix $ 299 - |
4 - 0 | Mono-Black Necro Mono-Black Necro Mono-Black Necro | Artyom Arepin | 303 tix $ 1,100 - |
4 - 0 | Golgari Midrange Golgari Midrange Golgari Midrange | Egor Yureskul | 381 tix $ 1,131 - |
4 - 1 | Five-color Zoo Five-color Zoo Five-color Zoo | mrm83 | 254 tix $ 706 - |
4 - 1 | Temur Breach Temur Breach Temur Breach | Pavel Semenov | 435 tix $ 1,064 - |
4 - 1 | Gruul Eldrazi Gruul Eldrazi Gruul Eldrazi | Alexey Shashov | 227 tix $ 867 - |
4 - 1 | Jeskai Energy Jeskai Energy Jeskai Energy | Lear_the_cat | 331 tix $ 889 - |
4 - 1 | Belcher Belcher Belcher | Dmitriy Kolesnikov | 174 tix $ 446 - |