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How do the new Marvel Secret Lair commanders play? The crew finds out!
A little while ago we asked you to send in your decks. Today we're going to play some of our favorites!
Who can pull off their impossible combo first? Let's find out!
This week we have the ultimate mana value battle! What wins? A deck of all 1-drops, 2-drops, 3-drops or 4-drops? Let's find out!
Recently the Commander ban list went through a bit of a shake up, so today we're getting rid of it all together and building around legends banned in the format!
What happens to your Commander game if you get an Everywhere land each turn, but can't ramp in any way? Let's find out!
Duskmourn has so many sweet Commanders we had to run it back for round 2!
The crew builds around some of the spiciest new Duskmourn Commanders!
The crew builds decks that really shouldn't work in their colors, but will they actually work? Let's find out!
Whoever reaches 1k life first wins!
The crew plays for keeps with ante!
The crew plays decks guaranteed to not get you invited back to the next Commander night!
The crew brings the top 4 most popular decks in the format!
What really happened during season of Commander Clash? The crew digs deep into the stats to find out!
The crew plays decks focused on the new Bloomburrow creatures!
The crew checks out some sweet new Bloomburrow Commanders!
The crew builds decks where all the cards except for basics have to start with the same letter!
What does the crew bring to battle when there's no deckbuilding restrictions? Let's find out!
What happens if the goal of a game of Commander is to lose as quickly as possible (and keep your opponent's from losing)? Let's find out!
The crew checks out some new Assassin's Creed commanders!
What happens if every non-land card in your deck has to be the same card type? Let's find out!
Modern Horizons 3 has so many sweet Commanders we couldn't help but try some more of them this week!
The crew builds around some of the sweetest new Modern Horizons 3 legends!
The Commander ban list is controversial, so this week we get rid of it. What insanity will ensue? Let's find out!
It's an anything goes week on Commander Clash! What will the crew play when there's no deck building restriction? Let's find out!
A few weeks ago we asked you to send us your troll and meme decks. Today we gifted them to each other. Here's what we've got!
How does Commander play when you aren't allowed to politic anything? Can the crew actually avoid their impulse to make meaningless deals over every little thing? Let's find out!
Does that one damage from Esper Sentinal on turn two really matter? No, but we're ploticing it anyway!
It's no fun being the archenemy at the table, but what if everyone's the archenemy?
A $10 deck battles a $100 deck, a $1,000 deck and a $10,000 deck. Who Wins? Let's find out!
Displaying Article 1 - 30 of 435 in total