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Browse > Home / Decks / Standard / Gruul Prowess

Gruul Prowess by Yoshihiko Ikawa

Report Deck Name Fix Archetype
$ 240.21
84.70 tix
36 Rare, 24 Uncommon, 11 Common

Format: Standard
Event: Magic World Championship 30, 8th Place, 6-2
Deck Source:

Deck Date: Oct 25, 2024

Creatures (22)
4 Heartfire Hero $ 11.76
4 Monastery Swiftspear $ 1.60
4 Emberheart Challenger $ 20.40
4 Manifold Mouse $ 6.92
2 Questing Druid $ 3.42
4 Slickshot Show-Off $ 49.96
Spells (15)
2 Might of the Meek $ 0.48
4 Monstrous Rage $ 10.04
4 Shock $ 0.60
2 Snakeskin Veil $ 0.40
2 Torch the Tower $ 1.00
1 Scorching Shot $ 0.25
Enchantments (3)
3 Innkeeper's Talent $ 45.30
Lands (20)
4 Copperline Gorge $ 11.16
4 Karplusan Forest $ 16.64
4 Mountain $ 0.00
2 Restless Ridgeline $ 1.18
2 Rockface Village $ 0.82
4 Thornspire Verge $ 22.88
Sideboard (15)
1 Torch the Tower $ 0.50
3 Obliterating Bolt $ 1.05
4 Pawpatch Formation $ 1.60
1 Questing Druid $ 1.71
2 Scorching Shot $ 0.50
4 Urabrask's Forge $ 30.04
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  85 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (22)
4 Heartfire Hero 1.92 tix
4 Monastery Swiftspear 0.12 tix
4 Emberheart Challenger 20.24 tix
4 Manifold Mouse 6.28 tix
2 Questing Druid 4.10 tix
4 Slickshot Show-Off 28.88 tix
Spells (15)
2 Might of the Meek 0.08 tix
4 Monstrous Rage 0.16 tix
4 Shock 0.04 tix
2 Snakeskin Veil 0.02 tix
2 Torch the Tower 0.02 tix
1 Scorching Shot 0.03 tix
Enchantments (3)
3 Innkeeper's Talent 7.62 tix
Lands (20)
4 Copperline Gorge 1.08 tix
4 Karplusan Forest 1.12 tix
4 Mountain 0.00 tix
2 Restless Ridgeline 0.28 tix
2 Rockface Village 0.06 tix
4 Thornspire Verge 1.96 tix
Sideboard (15)
1 Torch the Tower 0.01 tix
3 Obliterating Bolt 0.09 tix
4 Pawpatch Formation 2.28 tix
1 Questing Druid 2.05 tix
2 Scorching Shot 0.06 tix
4 Urabrask's Forge 6.20 tix
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  85 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk
Creatures (22)
4 Heartfire Hero 4 Unc.
4 Monastery Swiftspear 4 Unc.
4 Emberheart Challenger 4 Rare
4 Manifold Mouse 4 Rare
2 Questing Druid 2 Rare
4 Slickshot Show-Off 4 Rare
Spells (15)
2 Might of the Meek 2 Comm.
4 Monstrous Rage 4 Unc.
4 Shock 4 Comm.
2 Snakeskin Veil 2 Comm.
2 Torch the Tower 2 Comm.
1 Scorching Shot 1 Unc.
Enchantments (3)
3 Innkeeper's Talent 3 Rare
Lands (20)
4 Copperline Gorge 4 Rare
4 Karplusan Forest 4 Rare
4 Mountain
2 Restless Ridgeline 2 Rare
2 Rockface Village 2 Unc.
4 Thornspire Verge 4 Rare
Sideboard (15)
1 Torch the Tower 1 Comm.
3 Obliterating Bolt 3 Unc.
4 Pawpatch Formation 4 Unc.
1 Questing Druid 1 Rare
2 Scorching Shot 2 Unc.
4 Urabrask's Forge 4 Rare
75 Cards Total
Shopping Cart Icon Buy from Cardhoarder
  85 tix
Shopping Cart Icon Rent from Cardhoarder
  $ 2 / wk

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Calculating the deck price based on your collection ...

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Mana Values

Card Types


Sample Hand

Card Breakdown

Below are the most popular cards played in this deck:


Heartfire Hero Heartfire Hero [BLB]
Emberheart Challenger Emberheart Challenger <showcase> [BLB]
Monastery Swiftspear Monastery Swiftspear [BRO]
Manifold Mouse Manifold Mouse <prerelease> [BLB] (F)
Questing Druid Questing Druid [WOE]
Slickshot Show-Off Slickshot Show-Off [OTJ]
Screaming Nemesis Screaming Nemesis <prerelease> [DSK] (F)


Monstrous Rage Monstrous Rage [WOE]
Shock Shock [M21]
Snakeskin Veil Snakeskin Veil [CMM]
Might of the Meek Might of the Meek [BLB]
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike [M15]


Innkeeper's Talent Innkeeper's Talent [BLB]


Mountain Mountain <253> [THB]
Thornspire Verge Thornspire Verge [DSK]
Copperline Gorge Copperline Gorge [ONE]
Karplusan Forest Karplusan Forest <borderless> [DMU]
Rockface Village Rockface Village [BLB]
Restless Ridgeline Restless Ridgeline [LCI]


Pawpatch Formation Pawpatch Formation [BLB]
Torch the Tower Torch the Tower [WOE]
Obliterating Bolt Obliterating Bolt [BRO]
Urabrask's Forge Urabrask's Forge <extended> [ONE]
Scorching Shot Scorching Shot [OTJ]
Questing Druid Questing Druid [WOE]
Pick Your Poison Pick Your Poison [MKM]

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